Precision Casting Technology and Its Application

Precision casting refers to the use of professional casting processes and equipment to melt metal materials at high temperatures, inject liquid metal into pre-designed molds, and form components with high accuracy, high strength, and complex shapes after cooling and solidification. It is widely used in modern manufacturing industries, especially in the fields of aerospace, automotive, machinery, electronics, and so on.
1、 Process flow of precision castings
1. Mold production: Design the mold structure and make the mold according to the size, shape, quantity, quality requirements, etc. of the required components.
2. Material preparation: Select suitable raw materials, mix them in proportion, and heat them to a molten state.
3. Grouting: Pour liquid metal into the grouting machine and inject it into the mold cavity through high pressure.
4. Cooling and solidification: After the metal has cooled and solidified, open the mold and take out the casting.
5. Post treatment: Carry out surface treatment such as deburring, painting, polishing, or processing, heat treatment, etc. on castings.
2、 Advantages of precision castings
High shape complexity: precision castings can produce various complex components, with the accuracy of their shape and geometric dimensions reaching the submillimeter level.
Stable and reliable performance: Precision castings can ensure stable and reliable product quality, and their material mechanical properties and corrosion resistance are also relatively excellent.
3. High production efficiency: The production efficiency of precision castings is very high, allowing for the production of diverse components in large quantities.
4. Material saving: Precision castings can accurately control the flow path of metal, which can minimize metal waste.
3、 Application of Precision Casting
1. Aerospace field
In the field of aerospace, precision castings are widely used in the manufacture of engine impellers, turbine disks, flight controllers, valve seats, gears, and other components.
2. Automobile field
In the automotive field, precision castings are mainly used in the manufacture of high-precision, high-strength, and complex shaped components such as engine cylinders, crankcases, gearbox housings, and steering gear covers.
3. Mechanical field
In the field of machinery, precision castings are widely used to manufacture high-precision machine tools, tools, instruments, and other components.
4. Electronics
In the field of electronics, precision castings are mainly used to manufacture high-precision components such as connectors, terminals, and radiators, as well as automation and communication equipment.
In short, with the progress of science and technology and continuous improvement of process, the application range of precision castings will become more and more extensive.

Post time: Mar-22-2023