Use of high-precision stainless steel tubes

High-precision stainless steel pipe is a kind of pipe fittings that have extremely high requirements on size, R angle, orifice roundness, etc. For example, the length error needs to be controlled within 0.03mm.This kind of stainless steel pipe fittings can be divided into small diameter stainless steel pipes and conventional size pipe fittings, which are generally used in special industries or precision equipment.

 1.The outer diameter of the small diameter stainless steel pipe is generally 2.0~8.0mm, and the wall thickness is between 0.1~2.0mm.

①It can be used for conduction in temperature sensors, pressure gauges, and instrumentation tubes:



②2.Car tail antenna tube, signal gain antenna, spectrum analyzer antenna, laptop computer antenna:


③Pen tube, core protection tube, and pen tube shell of the pen industry:


④Buoy tube and rod tube for fishing gear:


⑤High-precision stainless steel pipes can be used for cooling pipes and heat exchange coils:


⑥Electronic microtubes, optical fiber cable accessories, optical mixers:


⑦Electronic product parts and water outlet pipes of drinking fountains:


2.Conventional size high-precision stainless steel pipes are mostly used in equipment and industry; in addition to focusing on precise size, they also value cutting inclination angle, pipe mouth roundness, and pipe verticality.

①Structural pipe fittings for food machinery equipment and biochemical equipment


② Water purification equipment, air purifier:


③Ceramic, textile, electroplating machinery and equipment:


Post time: Mar-11-2021